I have once, wished for everyone to be honest with me. But apparently, telling me bad things about myself straight to my face is not easy. Talking behind others' backs seems to be a better option. I do not really understand the reasons for this and people are doing it all the time. Everywhere around me, I will catch people lying about what they really feel about me. I had a knack of recognizing liars since I was a child. But I have not figured out the answers to my questions.
Being honest may not be the easiest thing to do, but it’s definitely better than to keep on lying. Being honest is simply a huge mountain, after you climb over it, the obstacles will be behind you, and you don’t have to carry it anymore as a burden. After you tell others the truth, you don’t have to lie or pretend anymore. Being hypocrite takes a lot of work and energy, and lying itself does not worth all the trouble you have to put up with. So pluck out the courage and speak the truth. The truth may hurt people, but lies hurt them more.

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